Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Next Step in My Life

I always say I love having a huge family, and I always say I love my life. That is true, I do love my family and my life, but I am still unsatisfied. I have a sister that just drives me nuts. I love her to death, am her best friend and worst enemy. We have fought since the day we met and loved each other since that same day. I just dont know why we always fight and are in each others business. For me I think it is that I want to protect her from making stupid choices, but I guess I have to let go and just let her do stupid things so she will learn from her own mistakes right? I just cant bring myself to do that, but I know I need to. It is so hard to just watch someone you love ruin their life. She has made some incredibly stupid decisions in the last two weeks and I just dont know what to do. It is so hard to just sit back and watch everything happen. I cannot wait until I am 30! We will both be happily married, hopefully, and have kids of our own. I hope that when that day comes we both go back to just being happy for one another and not always trying to fix the other persons life. I cant wait for the next step in my life because I know it is going to be so amazing. I will have a real job that I know and love. I will be married to an amazing boy. And hopefully my siblings will be matured. My life will be great just like it is now but I hope it is just a little less immature. I am so sick of piddley little arguments and concerns my sister has. I am so sick of people thinking I am still the same person I was when I was 12. I just want to be respected as an adult and I feel like in my family that will not happen until I get married, move out, and have a child. I just cant wait to be FREE! It will be so nice but I also dont want to just skip this part of my life. I need to enjoy it for all that it is and more. I just dont know how right now.


Books = Possibilities said...

Wouldn't it be nice if everything did turn out so pat and perfect! I agree that getting married, having kids, and getting older does change the life a bit. But I am 30, and I still don't have the perfect relationship with any of my sisters. They will always make their own choices, mistakes or triumphs. And I still don't have everything together. Don't think it'll happen anytime soon, nor do I necessarily want it to happen.

Hang in there! It always seems to get worse before it gets better!

Bobbi said...

Thanks April! You made me feel better even though it is not the news I wanted lol. It makes me feel better to know I am not alone.