Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Old Friends

Every year when I get back to Spokane for the holidays I remember exactly who my true friends are. There are a handful of friends who always want to plan something but never plan it and those friends who say they might be back but never show, but then there are those friends who are always willing to cut time out of their busy lives to catch up. I love those friends. Thank you Jenny, Krista, Kate, Erin, Jen and Dacia for being my true friends. I love you girls and always will have time in my life for you. I love knowing that no matter what the distance and no matter how long the time in between visits, these girls will jump right back in like we were never apart. True friends are the best friends to find. I have made a few more friends at the U of I that I am proud to say are already faithful to me and would do anything for me. I know they too will always be willing to stop their busy lives to catch up with me in the future if they are ever in the area. Today I caught up with Jenny, a lifelong friend and old neighbor. Despite the horrific roads and snow drifts she managed to drive her tiny little car all the way out to my house and see me for just a few hours. Those are the friends everyone needs in their lives.


Ann said...

Love you! When are you coming back to Moscow? We should hang out before school starts if you are back in time :)

Bobbi said...

We are coming back down on Monday or Tuesday. If the weather is good Monday we will leave, but if not we will wait until tuesday.

Ann said...

If you come back on Monday we should do lunch on Tuesday

Bobbi said...

Yes Jon and I decided to come back on Monday if the weather allows. So let's plan on lunch Tuesday!