Monday, February 1, 2010

Bring on the Stress

This semester is flying by. Being with Kindergarteners sure is different than second grade! I love my class and my mentor teacher. However, I cannot wait to have my own classroom. But I guess with my own classroom comes a lot of stress.

Recently I have been making resume's, cover letters, getting letters of reccomendation, and trying to make a professional portfolio website for myself. So far so good, I am done with my resume and cover letter, along with an application for a school district. Now I just need those letters of reccomendation and my website. Wish me luck. I am just a bit stressed out.

As the semester flies by with the blink of an eye, I seem to be getting more things on my plate. Not only am I trying to get everything squared away with graduating and finding a job, but I have to worry about getting certified in two states. Also comes the stress of planning this wedding. Everything is happening all at once, but does that mean it will all be over at once? I sure hope so! I cannot wait to relax and not have to do so many things.

I hope I do not go nuts in these next coupole months!


Ann said...

You changed your blog layout. I LOVE IT! I'm going to start working on applications this week but the district I want to work in doesn't even post jobs for next year until after spring break so I'm not to stressed yet. At least not stressed about that. We've decided we are moving but knowing that just makes it that much more stressful in a different way. OI! Miss you!

Bobbi said...

YOU ARE!!! Where are you moving to? I am guessing Alaska :) I cannot wait for Jon and I to get married and have jobs for a few years, I kind of want to move somewhere too.